Saturday, November 9, 2013

Get To Know Me Tag!

I've been thinking about how to do an introduction for my blog. I didn't want it to be some boring, impersonal post. That's why I'm gonna be doing the Get to Know Me Tag! On to the questions!

1. What is your name (can be first name or one you go by)? Taylor :)
2. How old are you? 17
3. What are your dreams/plans for the future? I'm in cosmetology and hope to become a nail tech! 
4. What is your favourite music genre? Pop or Rock. I can't choose! 
5. Who is your favourite band or artist? If I had to pick one, definitely Justin Timberlake. 
6. Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? Nope. 
7. Who is your celebrity crush if you have one? Adam Levine! 
8. What is your favourite food? Chicken nuggets. I'm secretly 5. :P
9. What is your favourite drink? Dr. Pepper
10. What is your current obsession? Hello Kitty!
11. What do you like the most about your best friend? She's always there for me. :D
12. What was or is your favourite subject at school? I love Math and US History. 
13. What do you normally wear during the day whether that is at work or at home? A cute top and jeans or leggings!  
14. Do you prefer a bath or a shower? Bath!
15. What would you name your children? Gerard for a boy and Sophia for a girl :)
16. Do you have any addictions? Makeup and painting my nails! 
17. Where is the best place you have been? Disney World. 
18. Where would you like to visit if you had all the money in the world? Rome or London. 
19. Do you have a favourite quote? "In order to be irreplaceacle, one must always be different."~ Coco Chanel
20. What makes you angry the most about the world today? How rude and heartless people can be. 
21. If you had to choose between the internet and music which would you choose? I pray I never have to make this choice. But I would probably pick the internet!
22. Do you ever want to get married? Yes!
23. What animal is your favorite? Cats! 
24. Do you have kind of body art? (Piercings, tattoos, etc.) Not yet!
25. Do you know any other languages than English? Latin! 


  1. Read #9 while drinking my Dr. Pepper! <3

  2. Lovely tag - have followed and looking forward to reading more


  3. Great Tag! Would you like to follow each other on gfc and bloglovin? Let me know on my blog! :)
